YIG Sample House and Senate Registration Form
This form is for informational purposes only. There is no way to submit this form, and nothing entered on this form will register you for Youth in Government.
Please only submit one form per team. You must have all of your team members' information before you can fill out this form. Please provide valid email addresses or you will be unable to complete the registration process.
NOTE: Please use the following format for phone numbers: (123)SPACE456-7890
Please ensure that you select the appropriate chamber (Red, White and Blue, House or Senate).
Chamber:NOTE: The CCE reserves the right to move teams to a different chamber, conditional on chamber size and conference compatibility.
Student One:
First Name: A value is required.
Last Name: A value is required.
Gender: Please select an item.
Address: A value is required.
City: A value is required.
State: A value is required.
Zip: A value is required.Invalid format.
Please select an item.Cell Phone: A value is required.Invalid format.
Grade: Please select an item.
Parent Name(s): A value is required.
Parent Phone: A value is required.Invalid format.
Parent Email: A value is required.Invalid format.
Student Email: A value is required.Invalid format.
Years at YIG (if first year put 1)
Student Two:
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Please select an item.
Zip: Invalid format.
Cell Phone: Invalid format.
Grade: Please select an item.
Parent Name(s):
Parent Phone: Invalid format.A value is required.Invalid format.
Parent Email: Invalid format.
Please select an item.
Student Email: Invalid format.
Years at YIG (if first year put 1)